This shirt was definitely one of those projects whose idea originated in a lighthearted flurry, but woah... at some point, as I was hunched over sewing the five concentric channels of black sequins (securing them individually) around these vintage rhinestone button "nipples" (I think they were made for this application), I started laughing at the whole situation. These were a little tricky because I absolutely needed them to lie flat in a uniform circular shape. It was also imperative that they overlapped for a slick, fish-scale appearance. I used black sequins to keep the shirt a little more subdued. It's a wink, not a frying pan to the cranium (and don't you dare say otherwise).
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So risqué yet elegant. Love the hair!
LOL! photos are really funny! sense of humor is a must to make through in life, is not it?!
Oh my deliciously delightful. I love it. And the facial expressions only help.
I NEED this. I wore my OhiO t-shirt tonight. This would have been much better!
these are hılarıous! ı lıke the stylıng and the nıpple erm...areas are too funny!
You look so creepy haha (in a good way). You remind me of the crazy bad girl character in the original Last House on the Left.
Hilarious! Classy and sassy. Might have to try this one sometime too!
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