

Pantomime is best defined by its use of the object illusion... the illusions created are conventional objects we are all familiar with; rope, stairway, or door... The anecdotes make up the stories which can happen to all of us... The pantomimist ingeniously changes from one role to another, cleverly creating a world out of nothing.  The audience delights in seeing something that isn't there and is more than willing to give itself up to this world of make-believe.  This quality of magic and fantasy is pantomime's greatest appeal.
Actor-mime Leonard Pitt on miming as an art form

The latest crystal incarnation,  inspired by the stark and dramatic mime aesthetic.


Anonymous said...

Wow! amazing i love that i't looks mimelike but it also has a mythical feeling to it really special. i keep on searching for the right crystals where do u get yours?

Emily said...

This whole design needs to be featured in a Bergdorf Goodman window!

Theresa Cheek said...

True art form!


Thank you!

Jolien- These acrylic ones are specially made but you can easily find the traditional glass ones with holes for hanging if you search for "u drop crystals" online.

Emily- That reminds me, I need to visit the windows! Haven't yet ventured to Bergdorf this year... have you seen them? How are they this year?

Anonymous said...

oh oke thanQ never there called drop crystals haha

Carissa said...

These pieces are breathtaking!

Elly Vickeré said...

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carola said...

great, great blog!

thsnks for sharing!

adireg said...

omg i love this posted it cool

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