With his nasty hair and hands. See! His nails are never cut; They are grim’d as black as soot; And the sloven, I declare,Never once has combed his hair;Anything to me is sweeter
Than to see this Struwwelpeter.
„Garstger Struwwelpeter“
From Der Struwwelpeter, a collection of German fairytales. My (very German) grandmother used to read these cautionary tales to me when I was a child. And this one, is just the beginning...
From Der Struwwelpeter, a collection of German fairytales. My (very German) grandmother used to read these cautionary tales to me when I was a child. And this one, is just the beginning...

You are just too too much!
loving the first photo of the finger branches.
Chandelier head is my favorite.
Growing up in Austria I remember the story very well. Most stories and fairytales we heard as children were cautionary tales. I am trying to remember just one really happy one....
You show a much more hauntingly beautiful image of Struwelpeter. :)
Lauren, the roses fantasy photo is a winner--scrolling down from the top and coming to the finale--!! It took me a moment to discern the "branches". Are you familiar with Tiger Lilies' album, Shockheaded Peter, based on Streuel Peter? (You seem like a Tiger Lilies kind of girl :)
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