Perusing her latest collection, it occurred to me that I usually appreciate her more for her personal panache and extreme eccentricities than for her clothes, although I'm thinking that this approach needs a re-evaluation. See multiple forms of outwear that I'm certain I need, and gold hologram/confetti-esque dress that I'm sure I shouldn't like, but from which I CANNOT LOOK AWAY:
Vivienne Westwood Red Label, F/W 2010/2011, Images via
Speaking of things from which I cannot look away:
I'm curious to know what you guys think of the collection? Can it even approach her cult of personality? Westwood looks a little (no, a lot) like a modern version of Edith Sitwell:

Can you believe that she was a school teacher before she and boyfriend Malcolm McLaren (Sex Pistols manager) opened their shop SEX (whose bondage-y clothes were hugely popular with the punk scene in the 70s)?! Also, I'm loving these fleshy pink letters:
Behold the rubber curtains on the right. Something about them is appealing. Also, that's Vivienne, in the blue. WOAH, can you believe it?
Westwood still Rocks IT!!!
The shoes look like Mickey Mouse!
She's got it. I think she is pretty amazing and her team of designers, stylists that can interpret her vision. What I really like about the clothes is they are wearable. The styling is eccentric(love) but my reality dressing is less cheeky and more jackets, sweaters and jeans,I'd take the top portion of most any of her things, and I've always loved her dresses to fantasize in.
loving your blog and Vivienne too,
so disturbing! :)
Fabby post, I love all the pics!
I think Viv is an awesome designer who never fails to amaze.
In my opinion the reason to why she's still the matchless grand dame of British fashion is that she's stayed true to the punk ethos of not conforming. A lot of people loose their spark, sense of fun & the glint in their eyes as they get older but Viv seems to be still brimming with piss & vinegar & she's a true English eccentric!
What's not to love :)
Great blog BTW!
Hi! Havent seen this blog before, I love it!
I think Vivienne is an awesome designer who never fails to amaze!!!!
she so awesome!
I always love the hair at her shows.
I'm sure you get this a lot, but, your blog is incredible.
You have fantastic taste.
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